The Mayan sacred sites of the Yucatan Peninsula hold an unseen power constructed by the Mayans and currently felt by their yearly visitors. They were constructed with a specific cosmovision in mind, granting each site healing capabilities specific to their location and purpose. During our journey in January of 2021, Maya Temples of Transformation with Freddy Silva and Miguel Angel Vergara, we will behold the presence of spiritual sites where the ancient Maya practiced techniques that transformed seekers into gods. We will discover teachings — symbolized by the Jaguar and Serpent — that assist a person’s attainment of higher consciousness and inner transformation. Our guides, Freddy and Miguel, will guide us through ancient temple cities where we’ll explore rituals, wall carvings, Mayan astronomy, myth interpretation, and even the secret purposes of each sacred site.
Now, we’ll explore in-depth each site we are to visit during the pilgrimage. Some are the remnants of a civilization bent on spiritual actualization, and others are nearby natural sites deeply infused with the power of mythological symbols and healing potential.
The quiet site of Oxkintok is located approximately 75 km southwest of Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. The site was once an important ceremonial center and contains a mysterious interior labyrinth of tunnels. The tunnels were once used for the process of “living resurrection,” the highest level of initiation. Here, “resurrection” takes on a new meaning—that is, a second chance at birth wherein the initiate accumulates knowledge of divine purpose and modes of living. Legend also states that Oxkintox is a portal connecting with Egypt via sacred geometry and mathematics used in the Maya calendars.

According to tradition, the site of Uxmal carries a powerful feminine energy that is often called “City of Kindness of Mother Moon.” Legend also has it that Uxmal was “a cosmic city that descended from the fourth dimension to amaze the eyes of humankind.” The temple city contains numerous decorative structures where women were educated to be priestesses and handed down sacred knowledge so might they teach it to the next generations of future priestesses. The city of Uxmal has come to be known as a place whose people attained high levels of spiritual knowledge and developed poetry, dance, and other arts.
Labnah is a remarkable ceremonial center that contains a captivating arched entrance and a touch of the Far-East with its Cambodian-seeming architecture. Labnah is connected with the Wisdom Walls of Mother IxCheel. In ancient Mayan culture, IxCheel is the jaguar-goddess of medicine and midwifery, a definite force and symbol of fertility. Here at Labnah, the Maya teachers carved great symbols in the temple walls in red cinnabar. The entrance arch is treated as a portal for visitors to enter other dimensions. Spirit roads, or “zak-be” are present throughout the site, granting visitors the opportunity to walk the path of the Milky Way. The serpentine spirit roads were once connected all the sites in the region.
“If you believe, you can create, and if you can create, you can manifest” is a saying popular among the Mayan teachers. It places the potent power of belief in perspective, showing seekers that all we might manifest must begin in the mind, with a particular mindset. Only then might seekers alchemize reality—to manifest a life that began in thought. The Mayan sacred sites, especially Kabah, holds a particular power over this mystical process. Kabah is where the “Strong Hands of God” reign to transform the pilgrim’s life and destiny. This is where the pilgrim learns that their hands are much stronger and able than previously thought. Kabah also contains many powerful, attractive images of Chac, the rain god of the Maya.
Ek Balam
The temple of Ek Balam is one of the Mayan sacred sites that’s all about embracing the Mystery of the Hidden Knowledge in the universe. Pilgrims and Maya mystics reside here to embrace the Jaguar Maya Teachers from the Stars. To the Maya, this is important for receiving important teachings from each one of the Teachers. This is the City of the White Temple of Wisdom, which legend teaches was built by Jaguar Prophets from the Stars themselves. The temple and initiation chamber awaits.
Cenote Santa Cruz

Cenotes are sacred portals into sacred Mother Earth herself. The Maya viewed these as potent portals into the afterlife and thus often threw offerings into them. In the presence of cenotes, the Maya believed they were connecting with other dimensions where they had access to their ancestors. Also, cenotes are viewed as sacred wells where pilgrims pay respect directly to Mother Earth.
Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is the most frequented of sacred sites on the Yucatan Peninsula—and for good reason. Chichen Itza is the cosmic university where one connects with the science, art, philosophy and spirituality of the Maya. This ancient school attracted students, initiates, and teachers from all over the Maya world. Here, initiates graduated as “AH-KUKUULKANS,” or, Mayan masters of intuition, spiritual balance, science, and knowledge in general.
Chichen Itza carries a large variety of architectural styles, thought to be a result of the city’s large, diverse population. The site was added as a cultural heritage site by UNESCO. According to UNESCO, “This sacred site was one of the greatest Mayan centers of the Yucatán peninsula. Throughout its nearly 1,000-year history, different peoples have left their mark on the city. The Maya and Toltec vision of the world and the universe is revealed in their stone monuments and artistic works. The fusion of Mayan construction techniques with new elements from central Mexico make Chichen-Itza one of the most important examples of the Mayan-Toltec civilization in Yucatán. Several buildings have survived, such as the Warriors’ Temple, El Castillo and the circular observatory known as El Caracol.”
And then there’s Mayapan, the “Sacred Shield of the Maya.” This Mayan sacred site was once the very center of the Maya world until its masters allied with the masters of Chichen Itza and Uxmal. Here, Mayan astrology and knowledge pertaining to the calenders were taught. Men and women gained extraordinary power here by the teachings of Lord KuKuulKaan, before leaving in peace back to the Sky.
Of all the Mayan sacred sites we’ll be seeing on our pilgrimage, Mayapan will be the final stop with Freddy Silva and Miguel Angel. They’ll walk us through this site and tell us of the treasures found there, and also teach us how to move Earth energy currents.